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Mobile Phone
Dish Antenna
Network Hub and Cable
Communication Tower


Making communication easier

Amogelang Publishing is based Rustenburg within Moses Kotane Local Municipality offering unique solutions and a variety of services. Our business is setting the industry standards.


Our Main products/services

  • Bulk supplier of SIM cards of all South African cellular networks at R6 each,RICA registered and connected or no RICA.


  • Bulk SMS service

Benefits of Bulk sms:

You can send a single SMS text message consisting of up to 459 characters =3 credits in one send.Bulk SMS refers specifically to the sending of large number of SMS messages to the mobile phones of a predetermined group of recipients.

Bulk SMS messaging provides a cost effective solution for managing communications with small or large contact groups.


  • SMS Shortcodes

An SMS shortcode is a 5 digit number to which an SMS text message can be sent. Shortcodes  are often used by businesses to allow customers to opt-in to their SMS campaigns, alert services, to donate or to enter SMS competitions.

  • Dedicated Shortcode:Pay once off setup fee plus line rental and generate revenue

  • Shared Shortcode :Accessible via Keywords with setup fee of R1727.10 valid for 12months



    Bulk Recharges

This is ideal for once off recharges especially for gifting.Maybe you are one of those companies that once and again rewards competition winners with airtime,data and electricity but don’t have the capability to recharge all these at a click of just one button.

​   PINLess Recharges

PINLess recharge is a remote airtime and data recharges of all South African cellular networks including Telkom prepaid fixed line.We can schedule recharges to your devices whichever frequency you want.


Signal Boosting Antennas 

  • Cell phone signal booster installer (works for all networks)We help you improve signal in a building or vehicle for both voice and data or where a very weak signal exists.

  • Signal boosters we install are ICASA-approved products and work across all phones and devices.


Music Publishing 

Mainly focusing on up an coming artistes,assisting them to be registered with collection houses.We also work hard in getting their music out to the public. 

School Stationery Kits

We supply a complete school stationery material just as your child's school requires to save you the running around.

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